3D Retro Text Effect

Rabu, Februari 18, 2015 Unknown 0 Comments

Final product image
1. Creating the Background Gradient
Create a new 800 x 600px document, and duplicate the Background layer.
Duplicate the Background Layer
Double-click the Background copy layer to apply a Gradient Overlay effect using the following values:
  • Check the Dither box
  • Style: Radial
  • Scale: 150%
  • Create the Gradient using the colors #c8c5b8 to the left and #aaa593 to the right.
Gradient Overlay
This will create the background gradient.
Background Gradient
Duplicate the styled Background copy layer, and then right-click the new copy and choose Rasterize Layer Style.
If you're working with CS6 or earlier versions of Photoshop, you'll need to group the layer (Layer > Group Layers), and then merge the group (Layer > Merge Group) instead.
Set the Foreground color to #c8c5b8 and the Background color to #aaa593.
Noise Layer
Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise, change the Amount to 5 and the Distribution to Uniform, and check the Monochromatic box.
Add Noise Filter
Change the Background copy 2 layer's Blend Mode to Darken. This will add subtle noise to the background gradient.
Noise Layer Blend Mode
Click the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel and choose Levels.
Change the Shadows value to 72, the Gamma to 1.05, and the Highlights to 236. This will adjust the coloring of the background.
Levels Values
Create the text in All Caps using the font Freshman Normal. The Size is 125 pt, the color is #43a0a8, and the Kerning is set to Optical.
Create the Text
Duplicate the text layer and drag the copy layer below it.
Duplicate the Text
Enter the Free Transform Mode by going to Edit > Free Transform (Command-T). Tap the Right Arrow Key once, and then tap the Down Arrow Key once as well, to move the copy text one pixel to the right and one pixel downwards. Then hit the Return key to accept the changes.
Transform the Text
Press the Option-Command-Shift-T (Alt-Ctrl-Shift-T for Windows) ten times to duplicate the layer with the transformation to create the 3D extrusion.
Create the 3D Extrusion
Select all the copy text layers, and change the text color to #c7b299.
Change Copy Text Layers Color
With all the copy text layers still selected, go to Filter > Convert for Smart Filters. Rename the smart object's layer to 3D Extrusion, duplicate it, drag the copy below it, and rename the copy to Shadow.
Creating the Smart Objects
Double-click the original text layer to apply the following layer style:
Add a Stroke with these settings:
  • Size: 2
  • Position: Inside
  • Color: #f2eee1
Add an Inner Shadow with these settings:
  • Color: #464646
  • Opacity: 100%
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 129
  • Distance: 5
  • Spread: 50
  • Size: 2
Inner Shadow
Add a Pattern Overlay with these settings:
  • Blend Mode: Soft Light
  • Pattern: Fine diagonal lines
You can actually try the other patterns in the set as well—some of them look really cool.
Pattern Overlay
This will style the main text layer.
Styled Text
Double-click the 3D Extrusion layer to apply the following layer style:
Add a Bevel and Emboss with these settings:
  • Technique: Chisel Hard
  • Size: 13
  • Uncheck the Use Global Light box
  • Angle: 82
  • Altitude: 11
  • Check the Anti-aliased box
  • Highlight Mode - Opacity: 0%
What you're doing here is changing the Bevel and Emboss's Angle and Altitude values to create a 3D shading based on the extrusion's angle.
Bevel and Emboss
Add a Contour with these settings:
  • Check the Anti-aliased box.
Add a Color Overlay with these settings:
  • Color: #265559
This is the part where you choose the extrusion's color, so feel free to change it up if you like.
Color Overlay
You can see how this creates the illusion of a flat 3D effect just by using a couple of effects. You can of course further enhance the result you get by adjusting the shadow for the corners that need adjusting.
Styled 3D Extrusion
You can also pick the Move Tool and move the 3D extrusion a tad upwards if you like. Just take the time to work with the result you get if you feel like it.
Adjusting the 3D Extrusion
Select the Shadow layer, then go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Change the Angle to -55 and the Distance to 20. You need the Angle value to match the 3D extrusion's angle.
Motion Blur
Change the Shadow layer's Blend Mode to Multiply, and then use the Move Tool to drag the shadow and move it around until you like how it looks.
Motion Blur Blend Mode and Position
Click the Create new fill or adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel and choose Hue/Saturation.
Click the Clip adjustment to layer icon at the bottom of the Properties panel, and change the Saturation value to -65.
Adjust Saturation
Sumber :  Create a 3D Retro Text Effect Using Layer Styles in Adobe Photoshop

  1. Creating the Background Gradient Step 1 Create a new 800 x 600px document, and duplicate the Background layer. Step 2...

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